of experience in investment advisory area
Stats Data
Visual representation of data in website design is not only a tool of showing off — it's also a great way of winning customers over.
The theme comes with a few options/styles for displaying statistics:
- Stats in single column — see About Us page
- Stats — 2 or 3 columns
- Stats widget
Stats — 3 columns
advisory client relationships
of our new clients come from introductions by our current clients
of experience in investment advisory area
advisory client relationships
total client assets under our management
Stats — 2 columns
Have Never Invested
Over 67% of our clients had never invested before and didn't even know they could start with as little as $1000.
Had Zero Savings
Prior to meeting with us over 86% of our clients had no medium to long term saving strategy.
Have Never Invested
Over 67% of our clients had never invested before and didn't even know they could start with as little as $1000.
Had Zero Savings
Prior to meeting with us over 86% of our clients had no medium to long term saving strategy.
Have Never Invested
Over 67% of our clients had never invested before and didn't even know they could start with as little as $1000.
Had Zero Savings
Prior to meeting with us over 86% of our clients had no medium to long term saving strategy.